Birgit Munz | President of the Constitutional Court of Saxony from 2002 to 2020

Birgit Munz | President of the Constitutional Court of Saxony from 2002 to 2020

Temos a honra de apresentar a próxima oradora para a FBE 2023 Lisbon Summit organizada pela Ordem dos Advogados em conjunto com a #FBE (Federation Barreaux d'Europe), dedicada à temática “Mulheres Líderes no Direito”!
We are honored to introduce the next speaker for our #FBE and Ordem dos Advogados Portugueses Lisbon Summit 2023!

Birgit Munz

Presidente do Tribunal Constitucional da Saxónia de 2002 a 2020, atualmente preside ao Conselho de Controlo Regulamentar da Saxónia. Nesta sua função, aconselha o governo saxão em questões de redução da burocracia.
A sua carreira judicial foi longa e de grande sucesso, tendo exercido os cargos de Juíza no Tribunal Distrital de Bona, Juíza Presidente do Tribunal Distrital de Dresden e do Tribunal Regional Superior da Saxónia, do qual mais tarde se tornou Vice-Presidente. Atualmente, Birgit também trabalha com a Universidade de Leipzig, na qual é membro do conselho de supervisão.
Formerly the President of Constitutional Court of Saxony from 2002 to 2020, currently the Chairperson of the Regulatory Control Council of Saxony. In her role she advises the Saxon government in matters of reducing bureaucracy.
Her judiciary career spanned many highly successful years, during which she was a judge at the District Court of Bonn, presiding judge at the District Court of Dresden and Higher Regional Court of Saxony, of which she later became the vice president. Birgit is currently also engaged in working with the University of Leipzig, at which she is a member of the supervisory board.

07/12/2024 17:32:55